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The body's immune system largely depends on the state of the intestines, since up to 80% of immunocompetent tissues are located in the intestines, and in the case of, for example, chronic constipation or diarrhea, their functioning is significantly impaired. Cleansing the colon with water helps to normalize the work of these tissues. Professor Otto Heinrich Warburg (1883-1970), awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931, believed that a weakened immune system, together with a disturbed metabolism, contributed to the appearance and spread of cancer cells. Violation of the natural balanced coexistence of man and bacteria causes dysbacteriosis, which means an increase in the proportion of pathogenic microorganisms.

Our body can get rid of harmful substances on its own. But sometimes internal resources are not enough for this. In such situations, Slimate comes to the rescue.

Slimate has what you need. All natural ingredients, exclusive formulation.

· Hawthorn

· Malt

· Medicated Leaven

· Pericarpium citri reticulate

· Aurantii Fructus Immaturus

· Atractylodes macrocephala

· Solanum Iyratum Thunb

· Portulaca oleracea

· Rheum officinale Bail

· Mint

· Ginseng

Exclusive formulation from the combination of eastern and western. 5000 years Chinese knowledge on herbs with western capsule and extra technology.

To support the body, you should periodically conduct detox therapy. This process helps to remove accumulated salts of heavy metals, pesticides, toxic substances and slags, improve well-being and strengthen immunity.

What is the Benefit of Slimate?

ü Promote detoxification function

ü Promote gastrointestinal peristalsis

ü Intestinal detoxification

ü Expelling blood poison

ü Improve skin problems

ü Improve constipation problem

ü Drain excess fat

ü Expelling liver toxin

ü Strengthen metabolism

ü Beauty fitness

A healthy lifestyle is the key to your health!

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