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Updated: Aug 20, 2021

Akero Femimax,

Contains natural phytoestrogen,

Helps to balance your hormone!

Your ovarian and uterine protection;

Lets you prevent woman’s health issue,

And prolong woman’s youth!

Product benefits:

  • Balances hormone (Estrogen)

  • Improves endocrine disorder

  • Protects ovary and uterus

  • Improves ovary and uterus health

  • Prevents breast cancer

  • Strengthens immune system

  • Prevents vaginal infection

  • Tightens vagina

  • Delays menopause and menopausal syndrome

  • Restores skin elasticity

  • Improves complexion

  • Gives smoother skin

  • Delays aging

Main ingredients:

  • Phytoestrogen

  • Pueraria mirifica

  • American ginseng

  • Pine bark


  • Take two capsules after dinner

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