The human digestive system is a living nutrient processing station. But with them, toxins enter the body. And some hazardous substances are a direct result of metabolism. Detox helps the body get rid of them. This is a cleansing method that includes several stages and helps not only to get rid of toxins, but also to lose weight.
What does a detox cleanse do?
The body is a self-cleansing system, especially in childhood and youth. The main role in this belongs to the digestive tract, liver, kidneys and skin. Everything that came with food inside is broken down into its constituent parts in the stomach and intestines. Partially, substances are absorbed into the blood, the rest leave the intestines naturally. Everything that has been absorbed is delivered to the liver for deep processing, neutralization and excretion from the body.
Water-soluble substances pass through the kidneys, where deep blood filtration occurs. Some toxins leave the body during intense sweating or breathing. But people themselves increase the load on the organs when they lead an unhealthy lifestyle.
The following factors contribute to slagging:
- bad habits - drinking alcohol, smoking;
- malnutrition - a large amount of animal fats, sugar and salt, lack of fiber, vitamins;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- unfavorable ecological situation;
- improper drinking regimen;
- chronic stress.
Against the background of the accumulation of toxins, the state of health worsens. The skin acquires an unpleasant shade, peels off, becomes covered with rashes. Hair and nails become brittle. Digestion is noticeably affected. Many people notice that after eating they are worried about heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and constipation appears. But much more dangerous are internal disorders that manifest themselves in a decrease in immunity and a lack of certain vitamins.
Detox programs deal with all the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle at once. They help cleanse the intestines from pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. For beneficial bacteria, the nutrient medium is fiber, using its components they synthesize vitamins of group B, K. If there is not enough fiber, simple carbohydrates and sugars predominate in the diet, and the number of microorganisms that cause fermentation increases. During a special diet, harmful foods are excluded from the diet, so the pathogenic flora dies, the body is cleansed.
Subcutaneous fat accumulates many toxic substances that dissolve well in lipids. The complete detox program helps to reduce the thickness of fat folds and remove dangerous substances from the body. After cleaning, a feeling of lightness appears, digestive problems, skin rashes disappear, immunity improves. But you need to choose a detox program with care so as not to cause even more harm.
Products for detox and body cleansing
The basis of cleansing the body is proper nutrition. But to improve the condition, it is not enough to get rid of dangerous products. To eliminate the consequences of the abuse of junk food, it is necessary to include in the diet food that improves the elimination of toxins, saturates with vitamins. Help cleanse the body:
· fresh vegetables and fruits;
· whole grain bread;
· dairy products;
· vegetable oils;
· dried fruits.
Cleansing the digestive system occurs if you eat food raw or with minimal heat treatment. This saves more vitamins, and fiber helps to remove all toxins from the intestines. Safe laxatives can be included for a complete cleansing. These include Lactulose, Dufalac, Laktofiltrum. They gently loosen the stool, and Laktofiltrum contains beneficial microorganisms that help restore the intestinal microflora.
What else is included in the detox?
To detoxify the body, it is not enough to change the nature of the diet. In order for the cleaning to proceed correctly, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen. The volume of liquid per day during detox should not be less than 1.5 liters, 2 liters of pure water is considered optimal.
Help cleanse the body Ezy Plus. Apple Powder, Black Grape, Pasyllium Husk helps in dealing with constipation, improve digestive system, reduces the risk of colon cancer, prevent diseases like Bowel Syndrome, increase the sense of fullness when the weight loss, reduce discomfort of gostrousus, improve the body's immune system, relieves stomach ulcer, helps to reduce cholesterol, helps reduce stomach toxicity against bacterial attack.
Ezy Plus is recommended by a pharmacist with 10 years experience! The healthiest and safest stomach method! Improve constipation, bloating, diarrhea and nausea!
Way of Storage :
Put in a cool, dry place below 30 ̊C, avoiding sunlight and humidity.
Meal Suggestions :
Take 1 package and eat. It is recommended to take before bed or after dinner.
Net Weight: 45g (3g x 15 sachets)