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Akero H2 Spray

Akero H2 Spray,

A smart and lightweight hydrating beauty device!

Uses hydrogen atomization;

Possesses the most diminutive molecule,

Nano- scale hydrogen which can penetrate and quickly absorbed into the skin layer!

Soothes your skin and keeps it cool;

Leading your skin becomes healthy and normal again.

Reveals secret to a more supple,



And healthy skin.

Product benefits:

  • Hydrating

  • Antioxidant

  • Neutralizes free radical

  • Radiation- resistant

  • Prevents fatigue, mutation and cell death

  • Anti- inflammatory

  • Anti- allergy

  • Eases dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis and other allergy symptoms

  • Provides healing and cooling effect

  • Combats pimple and acne

  • Gives hydrated, healthy and firm skin barrier


  • Pull out the cover and pour in distilled water

  • Close the cover after filling it

  • Push the cover in an upward motion for the spray to be activated

  • Each usage can last approximately 30 seconds

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