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AKERO Fruit juice

How a person eats – that is how he is.

How often do you pay attention to your health, how do you take care of your body, your energy?

In our world we are exposed to stress every day, people become weak and vulnerable.

And humanity needs natural protections. Antioxidants protect us from the harmful effects of the environment and are therefore so widely used in the beauty and health industry. They are associating with a decrease in mortality from heart attacks and strokes – diseases that claim the most human lives.

Antioxidants are natural chemical compounds that slow down and stop oxidative processes in the body caused by free radicals. Free radicals have a destructive effect on our body, provocative oxidative processes, destroying healthy cells and disrupting metabolic processes. Antioxidant are helps and saviors. It is important that they enter the body everyday.

How do antioidant work?

In the human body, chemical reactions, free radicals are formed – molecules that have an oxidative effect on cell, destroying the membrane and leading to death.

At this point, Antioxidants come into play – active helps and defenders. They come into contact with free radicals, neutralize them and remove them from the body.

The fact is that free radicals are not produced internally, but enter the body from outside. A number of factors contribute to this:

- Unfavorable environmental conditions;

- Bad habits (alcohol, smoking);

- Unbalanced diet;

- Stress;

- Weakened immunity.

That is why Antioxidant protection must be present in our body on a daily basis and the intake of antioxidants is also required daily to 100% fight the oxidative effects of free radicals, neutralize them and remove them from the body.

But unfortunately in the modern world we do not consume enough antioxidants with food. That’s why AKERO has take care of You, created with doctors Antioxidant from natural ingredients in a convenient way for you to consume.

This exclusive Akero Fruit Juice ingredients contained are boiled reverse osmosis water, pomegranate juice concentrate, blueberry juice powder, prune concentrate, fructose, xanthan gum, sertmax.

Pomegranate sweet and sour taste with its rich in nutrients, antioxidants such related products favoured by consumers, plus there have been studies published Pomegranate health benefits, associated with his sought-after products on the market product.

It is knowledge and use of AKERO fruit juice, which is rich in such important elements, that will help to preserve health, youth and beauty in natural way. By getting the right amount of antioxidants from your diet, you can easily maintain excellent health and slow down the aging process.

Take care of yourself, eat right and be healthy!

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